Amateur • 4535 XP
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I used to have that valgur language on my bio till JoJo said remove that s*it from your ABOUT it...see more
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2 replies · 3 likes
You know when you know
A legend is always a legend
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Lessons Lessons Lessons from some people made a better human being.
God is good all the time Ooo
Weitin sup yocliqers
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7 replies · 13 likes
If relationships are about putting your partner first and losing yourself in the process...I don't want any relationship
In everything I'd rather put myself first and not be a stupid silly person blindly in love unable to read between the lines ,being depressed over someone , losing sleep, losing appetite I am my own priority . You read/ heard right🚶🏼‍♀️ bounce
10 replies · 3 likes · 1 repost
So I woke up n all of a sudden crepitus happened on my neck 😩
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