My boy brokeup with me a day after he propose to me...
I went to my boy to meet him for dating dinner. On geting their, after exchanging plesantries, we chart and eating. Later he told me he forgot his card and that is true and as a girl really love him i use my card intead. And he aim to refond the money but i refurse..
Many day roll in week and week roll in month. And after 6month of dating, we have know each other tomuch, but he allways to me that he cannever marry a rich lady, that'd are not respectful. The secret i never told him is that i'm richer more than rich. A day after he propose to me. I was in my office when my sec. tell methat someone come for job. The peasom. No cap is my boy frie. He rush out seeing me. Onfurtunatly he told my fiancie and my fia. Chase me out and broke up with me. 2rd day mark come back and tell me that his frie. Was not angry to me becoz i'm rich is bcoz i come 3days ago and i drink all the remain garri in the house. "Lol"
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