Continuation on The ghost dances Episode 2:
Her name was ify. She was adored by the towns people for her beauty but nobody ever thought of finding out where she came from. Many of the towns men wanted her as thier wife but to their greatest suprise she turned them all down.

Ify will sing all the way to the market like the way ijaka did and will dance to her heart content that brought more customers to her table. Ify hated this lady called imela for no reason anyone knew about, a old blind lady that was still alive from the time of ijaka till the time of the new generation.

many people believed that imela had not died yet because she has something devious to explain about. However, the market women all plot on how to throw ify out of the market world because they claim she steals all the customers to herself, little did they know that ify was a ghost looking for its resting place.

Theres this man named akin who is confident enough to porsue ify

hello guys thanks so much
follow up for more (episode 3)..
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