Continuation on the ghost dancer episode 4:
Akin had no clue to find ify so he went to see a chief priest. However the chief priest told him all he need to know about ify and was demanded to share the vital information with the king.
Akin ran to the palace and reported what the chief priest had told him of ify "what a world we are living in, how can they kill innocent ijaka" the king added "tufia" one of the king's elders exclaimed

Akin went further more saying that are body was buried in her farmland and to make her soul rest in peace they must dig up are remaining bones and give it a befiting burial...
"what i don't understand is why did that young girl come as ijaka or is that ijaka's ghost" one of the elders asked "yes my elders, she is the ghost you and i saw dancing in the ije festival day" akin replied
"its ok, we will do as chief priest said" the king decided and everyone greeted and left

That following evening akin had a dream holding ify hands begging her not to go but she disappeared

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