Amateur • 8792 XP
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Sometime you have to pay the role of a fool to fool the fool who think the are fooling you
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Emmylord reposted
The best medicine on earth that has an effect is a smiling face
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Happy birthday to me
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Emmylord reposted
If you have bad attitude work on it, and stop looking for who will love you the way you are nobody love nonsense
3 likes · 1 repost
The best medicine on earth that has an effect is a smiling face
1 like · 1 repost
If you have bad attitude work on it, and stop looking for who will love you the way you are nobody love nonsense
3 likes · 1 repost
A friend is a person who know your need and want
4 replies · 3 likes · 1 repost
Emmylord reposted
Never forget 3 type of people in your life
1.who helped you in your difficult time
2.who left in your difficult time
3.who put you in difficult time
4 replies · 5 likes · 3 reposts
Never forget 3 type of people in your life
1.who helped you in your difficult time
2.who left in your difficult time
3.who put you in difficult time
4 replies · 5 likes · 3 reposts
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