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Lesson 1»
The two established methods of writing down music on paper are the Solfa and Staff notation.
In this lesson we will learn about the tonic solfa notation.
TONIC SOLFA NOTATION: This is the method of writing musical sounds on paper using the tonic solfa notes; d r m f s l td'
Tonic solfa notation can also be said to be a system whereby syllabic names called solfa notes are used for sight singing and ear training.
The principle of the system is that each note of the scale is given an easily singable and the time values are shown by bar lines and dots thus:
Ex 1 | d: r: m |f: s:l | t: d:-||
In this method doh, ray ,me, fah, soh, lah,te, doh or d,r,m,f,s,l,t,d is given to notes of different sounds. The first note is low and the second gets higher so also the other notes.
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