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One day,a 79 year old woman leased a room in a lodge for just one night,she was very tired due to a journey that she had,so she slept the whole night, in the morning the old woman went to the #RECEPTIONIST to clear a fee,the #RECEPTIONIST told her to pay UGX200,000 which the #old #woman did not have,the old woman told the #RECEPTIONIST "but i didn't use any thing in a room why am i paying that alot of money?the receptionist told her that"yes it is a must you would have use them"then the #old #woman told the #RECEPTIONIST that i will give you #50% of that money, the receptionist said"what" .the old woman told him that "i was here for the whole night,but you did not come to use me and yet i was available. because i did not use the amenities in a room and am paying them, so i was available .reply as the #RECEPTIONIST. FOLLOW @DAVIS. to all my#follower
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