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George's life flip-flops faster than a flat fish thrown on a stage at an underwhelming circus.
After meeting Sophie, the girl who brought a glim of glitter to his murky coffee-stained existence, George went from drop to.......
He suddenly was no longer content with just bathing afterglow of weekly laundry marathon; nope! With Sophie in the picture, he was railroaded into new responsibilities.
The tag of wearing sitmuli of existence called excitement. Bye-bye familiar routine, and hello spontaneous camping trips that somehow more soggy sandwiches than wilderness actuality.
Now he led to learn things Sophie introduced him to wine tasting where the only texture he had previously ever contemplated was sock drawer choice and then hold onto you shampoo bottles-yogga. Just imagine George attempting downward facing a dog. he wasn't even close to dogs.
Romance ensued,chassy as "deju vu" with piercing wilted flouride.

........#follow4 #chapter 4.......
Author: __@abrahafrik___
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