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One day, a pony and trap carrying the boy across the causeway became lost and sank into the marshes, killing all abroad ,while #Jennet looked helplessly from the window
The child's screams that #kipps heard were those of #Nathaneil's ghost.
After Jennet died, she returned to haunt Eel Marsh House and town of Crythin Gifford, as the malevalent woman in black. According to local tales, a sighting of the woman in black presaged the death of a child.
After some time, Kipps returns to London, marries Stella, has a child of his own, and tries to put the events at Crythin Gifford behind him.
At a fair,, while his wife and child are enjoying pony and trap ride, Kipps sees the woman in black. She steps out infront of the horse and startless it, causing it to bolt and wreck the carriage against a tree, killing the child instantly and critically injuring Stella, who dies ten months later.

kipps finishes his remiscence with the words" they have asked for my story, i have told it enough".
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