So yesterday my neighbor
Celebrated her daughter's 5th
birthday and I helped
to serve the guests food and
A lot of people came, Young guys,
girls, our Neighbor's friends,
colleagues and their children. The
music was loud, and everything
was going just fine.
At a point i noticed that this
young guy was trying to get my
attention,but I was very busy so
I couldn't go to answer him.
Towards the end of the party,he
signalled for me to come again,
and I felt he wanted to ask for
my number, cause the guy was
fine.My spec, but you know we
gats fight ne walahi
I walked straight to him and told
him ,I know why he was calling me, that I was not interested in any
relationship and I'm not going to
give him my number.
He looked at me with a surprised
look and Said, " I just wanted to
tell you that the Chicken you hid
in your Pocket is Showing"
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