Read up and laugh out loud

(1) i cant stop laughing after my friend uses his last MB Download Iron man3 marvel studio.. Only to come and see a man named marvel ironing his cloth for 30min in a studio.

(2)yesterday i offend my mum, she starts beating me, then i pretend am dead, ehh she starts crying and regreting why she beat me, omo then she finds out am pretending. Chaii then she continue beating me.. 9ja mum no balance

(3)Hmm person died, you come dey gather cry, person wakes u gon dey run, my village ppl whats ur mission??

(4)if a man smoke is called smoKing. And if a woman smoke is called smoQueen. They will not teach u this at sch Lol

(5)pls guys stop dragging weed if u knew u cant handle it, now my frnd is busy explaining to his parent how he grew up an orphan. imagine

(6)i never know say high dey hight till when i use 3hrs 36min 5sec looking for my phone under bed using my phone torch i was lookin 4

(7)Maths be like A plane treveling north and wind blow am to west calculate the age of the pilot
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