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Any recommended websites to get SVG icons code without downloading the icons.
1 reply · 1 like
Charmingdc reposted
A Nigerian Music Artiste (Flavour)
Some people can sketch with pen shaaa
On the scale of 1-10, pls rate the sketch work.

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone.
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16 replies · 14 likes · 2 reposts
@Max-Drill , what do you think brr 🤔
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4 replies · 2 likes
Guys try browsing yocliq with desktop view mode and give your opinion 💨
1 reply · 1 like
Just created my personal Facebook account,please follow up 🙏
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I just received a new programing language certificate today, it was a very interesting journey 🖥️
11 replies · 4 likes
@Tynash ,am sorry brr but what website builder do you use for yocliq?
15 replies · 1 like
Someone should recommend a good code editor 💻
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@knifes ,Which platform can I learn languages like C# , C++ and Python ?
8 replies · 2 likes
Feels good to be here again, just remember my password now.
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Why am I not seeing the post backgrounds?
5 replies · 8 likes
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