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😜 Silly
Mr Gondo has 4 daughters, each daughter has 1 brother how many children does Mr Gondo has all together ? 😜brain teaser of the day
10 replies · 5 likes · 2 reposts
! just a game no hard feelings
#by_triddy #ftdgame
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Shai something i have not enter!

There is a man who use plane to transport his sheep from one place to another.
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1 reply · 2 likes
Who is online make we na play games
5 replies · 3 likes
Good morning yocliqerz it's a beautiful Sunday morning it's so cold here need some warmth 😘
Who looked back to confirm lot's transformation(pillar of salt):smirk:
[blue]Istanbul is now coloured into sky blue[/blue]
Sorry, i mean :smile:ISTAN[blue]BLUE[/blue]:joy:
8 replies · 8 likes
There are currently:

Seven (7) Ultimate Grand Masters namely: @Tynash, @Sherizo, @Josh, @Prospi, @Gloria, @SAMKIEL & @Knifes.

Two (2) Superiors namely: @Apex & @JAKSBEE.

Four (4) Professionals namely: @Tolani, @Cletus, @ShadowMonarch & @Amen08.

Eight (8) Veterans namely: @Warriboy, @Boluwatife, @Christian_Oc, @Moana, @Slim_Shady, @Tundex, @Kingsam & @Vladix.

Others not having rank badges yet, what are you guys waiting for?:smile:
9 replies · 8 likes
The right principles which you used as guide lines to your life can make you a dope mad:grimacing: being to others.
G:smile::laughing:D M:sunny:RNING
3 replies · 11 likes
The timidity of the omnipotience is the commencement of sagacity:bow::bow::bow:.
1 reply · 6 likes
What's the best thing about Switzerland? "I don't know, but the flag has a big plus" :joy:
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what does it^^ look like
2 replies
I scored 396 in jamb...πŸ˜…
any other person?
1 reply · 2 likes
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