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Its happened again!!
That man, who was our neighbour have started his usual behaviours again.
It was monday night part 10pm, I turn on the generator
That our neighbour arrived from the club and start dancing to the sound of my generator.
I questioned myself: "what happen to this man?"
I replied myself: "Oh! He has drunk too much of alcoholic drink, thats what make him dancing to the sound of generator!"
So, i too start mimicking him and feature him in dancing. He start eclaims "Hey, huh, yeh, haa , huh, yeah yeah" to the generator sound. Suddenly i off the generator and say: "Can't you see its night, why are you shouting!"
He asked me: "Who sing the song" (He mean the generator sound)
-I laughed and replied: "Its petrol and cabulator that sing the song!"
He tell me to replay the generator sound as music for him, then i ignored him outside.
Please if i make you laugh a little, then follow me @masterkraft #boysmile.
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