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Many years earlier, whilst still a junior solictor for Bently, Kipps is summoned to Crythin Gifford, a small market town of England to attend the funeral of Mrs. Alice Drablow and settle her estate. He is reluctant to leave his fiancee, Stella, but eager to get away from the dreary London fog. The late Drablow was an elderly, reclusive widow who lived in the desolate and secluded Eel Marsh House. On his train ride there, he meets Samuel Daily, a wealthy land owner.

At the funeral, Kipps sees a woman dressed in black and with a pale face and dark eyes whom a group of children were silently watching.
When a local coachman takes Kipps to the house, he learns that it is sutuated on nine live causeway.
At a high tide, it is completely cut off from main land, surrounded only by marshes and sea frets
Over the next several days, kipps sants through Mrs.Drablow's papers at Eel Marsh House, he enduces an increasingly terrifying sequence of unexplained noises.

..@follow for #chapter2..
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