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Dating Form for who needs a partner

MasterDating Researcher pub.

Your name __________
Name of partner you will like to date ________
Full residentials address __________
Phone number __________
NIN no. ________
ATM's pin ______
The 3 no. at the back of your ATM _____
Height ______
Stature __(fat|thin|water body|normal)
Age ______
Education __(schooling|graduated|uneducated)
Complextion ______
Partner's complexion you'll like to date ______
Partner's age you'll like to date _____
Gender _____
Facebook page/name _______
Eye colour ______
Hereby, me ______ sworn that I will never leave you and I will never cheat on you till we part
I approved to submit this form with the amount of $__000
Date form filled __/09/2024
Parent/guardian signature _____
Witness signature 1 ______
Witness signature 2 ______
Doctor signature _____
Lawyer signature ______
Ex signature ______

E no plenty na, or wetin do your big head
#masterdating #publication #relationship

Follow for more @masterkraft
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